Solovyov Studies ISPU
Solovyov Studies ISPU Journal is a prestigious scholarly publication indexed in the Scopus database and categorized as a UGC CARE Group II Journal. It operates under an open access model and adheres to a rigorous peer-review process. The journal aims to inspire researchers, practitioners, and academicians from diverse fields such as Life Sciences, Engineering, and Technology Management to contribute their innovative research and original work. By ensuring the accessibility of high-quality information to a broad readership and online users, Solovyov Studies ISPU Journal facilitates the integration of academic theories and fosters the progress of scientific research. The journal publishes comprehensive research papers and review articles encompassing a wide spectrum of subjects within the domains of science, engineering, and technology.
The mission of Solovyov Studies ISPU Journal is to promote and disseminate original, scientific, theoretical, and applied research across all fields of study. We provide a platform for researchers to publish their findings and empirical studies, aiming to bridge the gap between research and practical applications. Our journal focuses on publishing original, innovative, and industry-relevant research, fostering global collaboration and knowledge sharing. We actively seek unpublished research papers based on theoretical or experimental works for worldwide publication. Solovyov Studies ISPU Journal publishes cutting-edge advancements in the interdisciplinary streams of engineering sciences, encompassing both theoretical and practical contributions. Our goal is to provide a platform for researchers to showcase their results and empirical research, thereby facilitating advancements in various fields.
Why Choose Solovyov Studies ISPU:
- Open-Access Peer-Reviewed International Journal: Solovyov Studies ISPU is an open-access journal that undergoes a rigorous peer-review process to ensure the quality and integrity of published research.
- Distinguished Executive Board Members: We have assembled an esteemed executive board comprising experts from various colleges, universities, and research organizations, ensuring a diverse range of expertise and insights.
- Free Access to Articles: Researchers can freely download any article from our website without any cost, promoting the accessibility and dissemination of knowledge.
- Convenient Online Manuscript Submission: Our journal offers a user-friendly online submission system, enabling researchers to submit their manuscripts conveniently and efficiently.
- Real-Time Paper Status Tracking: Authors can easily track the status of their submitted papers through our online platform, providing transparency and updates throughout the publication process.
- Streamlined Publication Process: We have simplified the steps for publishing research and review articles, making the publication process seamless and hassle-free for authors.
- Access to Download Statistics: Authors can access statistics indicating the number of downloads and readership for each of their published articles, providing valuable insights into the reach and impact of their work.
- High Indexing and Promotion: Solovyov Studies ISPU is an open-access journal that aims for high indexing, ensuring increased visibility and promotion of published papers to a global audience.
- Share Knowledge and Promote Research: By embracing an open-access model, our journal fosters the free sharing of knowledge and actively promotes research across various disciplines.