Submission Of Articles

The publication of a peer-reviewed article plays a crucial role in establishing a credible and reputable knowledge network. It serves as a tangible representation of the authors’ work quality and the institutions backing them. Such articles uphold and exemplify the scientific method, making it vital to establish ethical standards for all parties involved in the publication process: authors, journal editors, peer reviewers, publishers, and society-owned or sponsored journal communities.

The publisher plays a significant role in providing support to journal editors and acknowledging the invaluable voluntary contributions made by peer reviewers in upholding the integrity of the scholarly record. It is commendable that the system functions effectively and encounters relatively few issues. The publisher has a responsibility to support, invest in, and foster the scholarly communication process, ultimately ensuring the adherence to best practices.

Solovyov Studies ISPU invites authors to submit papers for the upcoming journal release. The submitted papers must be original work and should not have been previously published. Please ensure that the papers are in the provided Word format. We kindly request that you refrain from submitting the same article to multiple journals simultaneously.

Submit Your Papers to:

How To Publish Paper?

  • Authors submit their profile Manuscript to
  • Manuscript checking by Reviewer committee and Give Reply Accept or Reject via mail.
  • Accept your Manuscript after Author submits their payment and copyrights form at same time .
  • Verify your payment and copyrights form.
  • Your paper has been published online.

Frequency Of Publication:

Solovyov Studies ISPU is published as a Monthly journal with 12 issues per year. Special editions are also planned subject to the scope and need.

Article Processing:

All submitted articles will undergo initial editorial procedures. If deemed suitable for publication, they will be forwarded to reviewers for peer review. It should be noted that not all articles will necessarily undergo the peer review process. Upon completion of the review process and acceptance of the article, authors will be notified via email, along with a paper ID. Authors are required to respond within 3 days, confirming their acceptance. Following completion of all necessary formalities, the article will be prepared for publishing.

Paper Submission:

We warmly welcome manuscripts from all subject areas. It is essential that the submitted manuscript has not been previously accepted for publication elsewhere. Authors are responsible for ensuring that their work is entirely original, and any references or quotes from other sources have been appropriately cited.

Submit your paper to:

  • Language: Language of the articles should be only in English.
  • File Type: Authors should submit the articles only in MS-word format.
  • Page Format: Single Column / Double Column.
  • Font Type: Times New Roman.
  • Font Size: Main Heading or Title – 12 points and Bold & Other Contents – 10 points and Bold.
  • Size of Submission: Authors are instructed to restrict the number of pages not more than to avoid.
  • ambiguity and reduce the editing time. The file should be attached as email attachment.
  • In any case the size of the file should never exceed 15 pages owing to file restriction implied.

The submitted paper should contain (author may add subtitle as per paper matter/topic)
• Title of the Paper
• Author’s Name
• Email
• Contact Number
• Designation
• University/College, State
• Country
• Abstract
• Keywords or Phrases (4 to 10)
• Introduction
• Literature Review
• Materials and Methods
• Findings and Analysis
• Recommendations
• Acknowledgement (If Any):
• Conclusions

Copy Right:

Authors must ensure that their submitted papers for publication do not violate any provisions of the copyright act to prevent potential legal complications in the future. Upon acceptance of the submitted paper, Solovyov Studies ISPU will provide a copyright form to be signed by the authors. By signing the copyright form, authors are required to transfer the copyright of their publication to Solovyov Studies ISPU.